Fellow descendants, as the year comes to close, I wish to thank all contributors for all the inputs and responses to this blog. I want to especially be grateful to those of us that have chosen to be part of our people by at a minimum discussing the issues as they happen back home. For those that think sitting on the fence is the right option, I encourage you all to think back and not forget that, our contributions will one day pay off. I am conscious of the fact that, some descendants have chosen to be quiet because they are fairly comfortable in their corners and that; they need not be part of a discussion in this nature. But I will again ask that we all put our ideas and efforts together to correct the mistakes that are affecting the majority of our families, friends and peers. Kalansogoia deserves better and for the number of descendants currently residing out side of the township, be it in Europe, USA, Australia and so on........we can do better! Let us come in as a group from the same mother land. Let us use technology to unite us.......when we are divided, only a few will profit......let us unite for we are all ONE!
Secondly, it was clearly demonstrated by a majority of the bloggers that "peace" is paramount in the chiefdom. We need to level with our PC and the PC needs to see the need for a united Kalansogoia. As a result, I encourage you all to please show support and suggestions on a way forward. We have had a chance to vent our grievances on the previous blog now is the time to turn into a way forward. Ideas on how we could make a single community of all descendants no matter the distance from each other. Let us concentrate on this peace effort. Mohamed Koroma, PC Bockarie and Daniel Turay are currently within reach could we start somewhere? I will initiate a call to the PC to get a feel of passion for peace and I will return to the blog with answers by 26/12/2010 could somebody else try the other parties so that we get a feed back and arrange for a common day for real talks. There are very credible Paramount chiefs and functionaries that could help in the mediation. Thanks to Brima and David Sesay for their wonderful contributions. Daniel, please continue the info...to the blog. Selati, be there for the people, John continue a constructive opposition, Famata, keep up the presence. Blake, keep your thoughts flowing. Others, lets criticize to construct!
Let’s move forward we can do this......God bless you all and enjoy your holidays...be safe,,,
fellow bloggers, i must first of all apologize for not being able to update you on the call to the PC on 12/26/2010 due to an overload in hoilday programs. I hope to get this done as soon as possible.
Secondly, there continue to be a technical issue with people wanting to post comments but are either exited from the system or an error message appears. I am working to correcting this issue but i will ask that, you keep trying to post your comments as they are making impacts back home. People are becoming more aware and are stepping up for their rights. Rememer the said $2m dollar machery that was alleged burnt? Has anyone seen a photo of this? Has anyone wondered why even the press in Sierra Leone have not seen this Machine? Has anyone wondered if any authorities have seen this machine even as our brothers continue to languish in jails in Makeni?